As we will be soon approaching the end of the current Holiday Accruals year, we are sending out a reminder that all temporary staff members must take their entire Holiday Allocation before 31 March 2023.

Please note that the system will automatically reset to ZERO (0) as of the 1 April 2023 and any leave not claimed before then will be lost.

You are required to physically take time off to utilise all accrued Holiday, please first get approval from your line manager.

This is an Advance Notice, so you have enough time to plan when to take your accrued leave.

To claim Holiday, please log into your Jobline Payroll profile or contact the office via email or phone to claim any remaining leave.

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Any member of the Jobline staffing team will be happy to help.

You DO NOT need to enter a timesheet if you have entered a holiday claim. The timesheet will be rejected otherwise.